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Generative Systems: Intertwining Physical, Digital and Biological Processes, a case study


-Reflection Paper-

The meaning of the object in the environment takes place with the establishment of the object-space relationship. Productive systems provided by computation mediate the establishment of this relationship. Looking at the previous definitions, Taylor divides creativity and production into 5 classes; expressive, productive, inventive, innovative and emerging. In this context, emerging and productive creativity should be highlighted because it states beyond rigid criteria. In order to understand generative algorithms, architects need to make sense of mathematical solutions. Instead of traditional and direct solutional "hands-on" systems, algorithmic processes defined as "black box" should be adopted and included in the process. The process designed with composition should be integrated with digital. To bridge tooling and the processual use of digital, computerization and computation, Terzidis proposed Algorithmic Design. It is thought that the architect can contribute to the reproduction process, and therefore it is not a question of how to apply the design to solve complex problems (Herr, 2002). Unlike, It is the question of how Design Thinking can (re) invent approaches to Complex Systems.

-How do the researchers approach the problem?

“Each tutor studied one of these techniques along with a group of students, looking for examples and understanding of the type of problems each technique can solve.We studied the technique’s application in practical cases, resorting to the algorithms and descriptions available. For 3 months, a group of researchers identified types of problems, variables and applications, considering the potential and limitations of each technique. This helped to formulate the workshop design problem. References differed in each technique, but we focused on how to implement them in visual programming, testing available applications.”

Generative Algoritms

The experiment shows the usage of different algorithms and its appropriate aim. Users with different backgrounds approach the process in several ways to investigate algorithms in architectural solutions. Results show that algorithms could be part of architectural solutions for providing several design variations. As the author mentioned, it is not a question of how to apply the design to solve complex problems (Herr, 2002). Unlike,It is the question of how Design Thinking can (re) invent approaches to Complex Systems.

References; Henriques, G.C., Bueno, E., Lenz, D., Sardenberg, V., (2019) Generative Systems: Intertwining Physical, Digital and Biological Processes, a case study

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